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This is sickening.
I went to a school like this when I was in grade six. My inhalers were locked up in the office, and I was having an attack. My memories are a bit foggy (I couldn’t breathe after all) but I recall my twin sister and somebody else wheeling me all the way to the office in a computer chair. Thankfully I was lucky and got my meds in time; I ended up off school for a week and a half recovering.
This shit is scary. Rescue inhalers should be on the person of the child who NEEDS them, and if they are too young then they should be with the caregiver. There is absolutely no excuse to keep RESCUE MEDICATIONS locked up away from the people who need them FAST.
why is this a thing that happens
Because many schools have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy where the kids are not allowed to have their own medicine on them. They are worried about abuse or having the meds being stolen by some other kids that want to abuse it.