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(im a girl, she/they pronouns please)

Having long hair doesn’t change your Y to an X. You are male. 

literally WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you. who raised you to be such a fucking asshole? get the fuck out of here please stop following me.

Oh no. I actually said fact. I brought up science and biology. How dare I.

No, no, Science side of tumblr. Now is not the time to be an asshole.

Okay so some one who has studied science jumping in here:

The idea of x and y chromosomes equaling male and female is as much a social construct as a scientific one. Science needed a way to categorize animals that could mate with one another and produce offspring, noticed a trend that most sperm producing animals had an xy and most egg producing animals had an xx, and thus these label.  However, their is a saying I learned in my first college bio class and that is, sex is biological, gender is social. We had that hammered into us class after class. Why? Because prescribing western/America/human understandings of gender to the sex of animals is not good science. These labels are not always applicable, especially since many animals posses multiple sex organs, can change their sex organs, or even reproduce asexually. Like many rules in science, the x/y binary is not absolute and the male/female binary is not all that applicable once you get outside of mammals.

Like most social animals we have our own ways of interacting with each other, like lions, hyenas, or bison, etc. That’s where gender comes in. Babies are assigned male or female at birth based on the look of their genitalia, not genetic testing. In essence, children are assigned their gender before they are old enough to understand it. Not every human being fits comfortably into this equation. Scientist believe that about 1 in every 500 people born is intersex. You are also under the assumption that “females” cannot/do not grow body or facial hair which actual has little basis in scientific fact, it is a social concept, and one that is constantly evolving.

Equating x and y chromosomes to female and male genders is also very eurocentric. Many cultures all over the world have multiple gender categories that do not fit the xy model. That does not make these genders any less valid because the very concept of gender is a social one and it changes across cultures as well as across time periods. There is also significant psychological proof that imposing binary gender roles on young children is damaging for children who do not fit comfortably into these. And this is all without even taking chromosomes into the equation. Why? Because It is  impossible to look at another human being and instantly know what their dna says about them. It also completely ignores the psychological, sociological, and historical context of gender and equates it to a simple principle we used to understand how animals breed.

So what you’re doing is not “saying fact”. It’s using over simplified, watered down scientific principles to belittle someone else. Gender is not a scientific concept, it’s a social one. Using the chromosome argument to belittle this girl and any other trans/nb  person because they don’t fit into your frame work of acceptability is not science or fact, it’s bigotry. Science is not an excuse to be an asshole.

^^^^ THIS. thank you science side of tumblr

She looks awesome.

She does! Such hair envy. And what a face. Wow. 

I’m not even on the science side, but I will say that chromosomes are a particularily poor choice of hill to die on for a gender essentialist, in any case.