











Wow everyone look at this- this is an amazing tablet, and I wish I had seen it before I just dropped $170 on a small intuos 5

This is called a Tursion  Huion tablet- looks pretty simple right- kind of like a bamboo

here’s the thing. This tablet has 2024 levels of pressure- that is the equivalent  to the pressure an intuos 5 currently has (retail price: $229 for the smallest)

You can get this lovely  tablet for under $50 dollars on amazon

Only thing this beautiful table it lacking is a few simple buttons, but still, I mean, its drawing area is even bigger on average then most Wacom’s small tablets- and from the reviews ive seen on it people are very impressed….so just spreading the word around that Wacom isn’t the only one that is making good tablets- the more the company is  spread perhaps they will come out with even better products that not only match up to Wacom, but are with in our price range for once!

You an buy one below at the link!

[link removed]

I literately just bought one of these and got it today omfg, its great you guys ok!

Reblogging for my drawing friends.

Reblogging to spread the word, it has good reviews and is a great alternative to WACOM.

I’ve been using a Huion for the last few months and I LOVE it. Mine cost me $75 and it’s comparable to a $200-$300 Intuos). You don’t need to break the bank for the sake of digital art!! Wacom isn’t the only choice for a quality product anymore.

Just letting my artist friends know that you get what you pay for.

I saw a post just like this but for a Monoprice tablet. The description the OP gave was just like this if not fucking identical, as well as it had lots of pretty little reblog comments like “Yeah I got this it works sooo weelllll~”

Yeah, no. That shit be a smelly ass scam that is identical to the smelly ass scam trap that I fell into and I want to PROTECT YOUR ASSES.

It didn’t take me ONE MINUTE to google search this fucking tablet, and find already, like, link four on google, WHY YOU SHOULDN’T BUY THIS TABLET. tl;dr, Unlike the Monoprice tablet that I got suckered into, this one actually will install, only you’ll never be able to switch out of it from pen mode to mouse mode, the surface isn’t even usable, and you do not get what is pictured here in OP’s post.

I know Wacom is expensive, but it’s also worth coughing out the extra twenty dollars to get a functional, reliable, and actually-trusted-by-broke-artists-everywhere tablet, than to fall into a scam trying to look for the cheapest thing you can get.

Here, here’s a Wacom Tablet for $66 on Amazon, about the same size and everything, only, hey, this one is usable. Don’t waste your money. I hate wasting money, just don’t do it. You think you’re saving money but you’re not. Just get Wacom.

this is really important and the article does give really good reasons as to why this tablet is horrible but just be careful if you’re going to read the article: it has really bad #ableist language and #animal violence mentions (among other things) so watch out!

Except they didn’t receive a Huion?  It says “Turcom” right in the picture, and the Amazon link doesn’t lead to the Huion listing, but to the listing for the Turcom knock-off, which leads me to believe that this was a research whoops on the part of the reviewer.  I’m sure the tablet they got was flaming garbage as they describe, but they are in fact dealing with a completely different product.  I’m not trying to be an ass, but it is what it is.

I’ll trust frenden’s review, as one: frenden actually has a Huion and two: frenden demonstrably knows his shit in this regard.

Look, I know branching out from Wacom is spooky to a lot of people, but let’s not act like they’re not made in a factory right next door to all the cheaper alternatives.  I have a Bamboo Pen and Touch and it works just fine, but it was nothing life changing.  To be honest, the way it handles pressure sensitivity kind of irritates me if I don’t keep my hand extremely light, and the touchpad functionality frankly sucks.  And it’s too small.  I’m sure an Intuos would be more robust, but as a hobbyist I don’t have $300 to find out.

My POS Adesso that I got in 2002 still works, and cost $50 new.  The only problem with it is its age and the fact that it’s set up for a 4:3 aspect ratio.  Non-Wacom tablets aren’t universally crap.  So I’ll take a shot on this.

Also, Monoprices not installing is pretty much always due to the user not uninstalling other tablet drivers (like Wacom) before installing the Monoprice. If you don’t do that, it will often have problems installing. It’s really easy to find this info online and I fail to see how someone not reading it is the tablet’s fault, let alone makes the tablet a “scam” somehow…

I’m a professional artist and I’ve used a Monoprice for 2 years. It is almost literally twice as good as the cheapest Wacom (which is $20 more); twice the pressure levels, and twice the size. You couldn’t pay me to go back to a small (or “compact” as they are calling them now) Wacom.

I know lots of other professionals who use Monoprice/Huion tablets because they are just plain better value than equivalent Wacom tablets. None of them have had any issues with them. “Scam”? Really? Ridiculous…


Thanks for the better information, Sarah~

a more complete story! awesome.

tl;dr: Monoprice is OK. Huion is great. The pictured tablet is a Huion but the amazon url linked to Turcoms, which are the shitty ones. don’t buy Turcoms. buy Monoprice, Huion, or Wacom.