





Okay no. This shit is so fucking satisfying. I can not tell you the joy it brings me when an underage kid tries to buy GTA and when I tell them they need a parent, they go get said parent, and then I say “hey, this game is rated M for these reasons” AND THE PARENTS GET SO APPALLED AND SAY “NO WAY YOU ARE NOT GETTING THAT GAME.” And the look of hatred the kids give me is so raw and pure it gives me fucking life. Damn I miss GameStop.

Keeping online matches safe from annoying 13 year olds.


It was spring 2014, early in the week.  Pretty sure it was a Tuesday, but it’s been awhile.  It was so dead in our store, I hadn’t seen anyone in over 40 minutes.  Eventually, in comes this mom and we start chatting.  She said she was here to buy her son a game he wanted, Grand Theft Auto 5, and could I help her find it?

Now, I’m sure many of you are aware how awful Grand Theft Auto 5 is in terms of violence, gore, and sexism.  But in case you don’t, the Grand Theft Auto series has always been one of the most violent series that you can buy in stores.  The very first GTA was banned in Brazil and condemned in several countries, GTA 5 has a graphic torture scene that is player initiated.  GTA: San Andreas had the Hot Coffee scandal which happened in 2004 when modders found unused code in the game for a sex minigame that was player controlled.  And that’s only the beginning of the controversies surrounding the GTA series (click here to read more! X X X X X X X )

Anyways, back to me and the Mom.  Who will now be referred to as Mom because she is that awesome.  Since I was behind the counter I pulled a copy of GTA 5 from backstock and started ringing her up while making polite chitchat, the usual cashier stuff.  But everything changed when I asked for her ID because of the M rating.  At first Mom replied, “Oh sure thing let me grab it.”  And started digging in her purse.  But then what I said registered with her and she paused and looked at me.

“M rating?  What does that mean?”

“Oh GTA 5 is rated M for violence, gore, bad language, and other stuff”.  I won’t bore you with the whole spiel I go into when I’m asked about the M rating but basically I just explain why the game is rated M, what the M rating means, and that they can go on to see why it got that rating. 

So I tell Mom about the website and she whips out her cell phone and gets on the site and starts reading.  And she got MAD.  She starts telling me about how her son knows she doesn’t like this sort of game and how he is going to be in so much trouble because he knows better than to ask for this sort of thing as she doesn’t tolerate this in her house.  And he is so grounded for thinking he could get away with this.  Then, Mom looked me in the eye and asked me to look up several other games for her to see if he’d done this with any other games.

“Yea sure thing, which games would you like me to look up?”

“Bioshock 2.”

“I can already tell you without looking that Bioshock 2 is rated M.”

“MY CHILD IS SO GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.  What about the first Bioshock?”

“Yep, that’s also rated M.”

“OH MY GOSH, what about Gears of War?”

“That entire series is rated M.”

To spare y’all from another 10 rounds of that, basically take every popular M rated title from the last 5 years and insert them in the above dialogue. 

Eventually, Mom says “Oh my gosh, you must think me a horrible parent.  I can’t believe I let him have those games.”

“Ma’am, I don’t think that at all.  The fact that you’re concerned about this tells me that you are a good parent.  And just so you know instead of throwing out those games you’re more than welcome to trade them in here and get some store credit or cash back for them.”

“Really?  I’ll have to do that, I don’t want him playing those games anymore.”

“Yea, we also take gaming consoles, iphones, and tablets too!”

“Oh that’s wonderful!  Thank you for being so patient with me and telling me all about this. I’m going home and to go through his gaming collection right now!”

And off she went, leaving me bored till I finally got to leave for the night. 


The next day I’m working again, bored out of my goddamn mind.  There’s only so many times you can alphabetize the store before going insane.  As I’m looking out the window I see a car pull up and Mom hops out and then pulls out two huge duffel bags and walks in.

“Hey welcome back to Gamestop!  What can I help you with!”

“Oh I’m so glad you’re here!  So last night I went through my son’s game collection and most of them are rated M!  So I decided to teach him a lesson about why you don’t lie to your mother.  Seeing as I bought him these consoles and most of the games were bought with my money, his game consoles and games actually belong to me.  Therefore, I would like to trade in all this."  And proceeds to pull out his XBox 360, PS3, and every game he had for both consoles (over 50!) as well all the extra controllers and headsets he had. 

"Are you sure?”

“Absolutely."  I will never forget her smile when she said this nor the look in her eye.  This is not a woman to be crossed.

So I traded everything in and she got back over $300 in store credit for everything.  And with it she bought a Wii, a couple extra controllers, and a couple games rated E.  Then she looked me in the eye and asked if we had any extra boxes laying around for the XBox One and if so could she have one?

"Are you going to put the Wii in it and give it to him?" 

"Yes.  Along with a note saying that this is what happens when you abuse the trust of your mother.  I’m going to make sure this never happens again."  It is at this point that Mom ascended to God Tier status with all Gamestop employees falling to their knees for a chance to bask in her glory. 

I got her an XBox One box and sent her on her way after asking her to take the survey on the receipt. 

"Oh of course dear, you’ve been such a big help.  Let me write down your name so I don’t forget it.”

“Of course!  I’m Lexi, but if your son asks my name is Deegan."  (Deegan was my store’s manager at the time. 

And then she left, leaving me with the best trade numbers of the month and the greatest story I’ll likely ever be apart of at GameStop.  Mom, I never got your name, but you are my personal Gamestop Hero.

No. Absolutely not. This is an awful post.

For the sake of brevity, I’m not going to go into the fact that the message here is “I enjoy watching young children get stressed and sad and disappointed when something they were promised is angrily taken away from them.”

I’m going to focus on “Mom” because she sounds like an awful, awful person.

1. She acts like her son has tricked her.

  • No. He’s asked her to buy this game. He clearly knows she is aware of this game and his game stations. He’s not hiding their existence from her. He likely doesn’t think she has anything against them if she so willingly buys them. This is the mom being a shit parent and acting like SHE is the victim when someone tells her to pay attention to what SHE HAS BEEN BUYING FOR HER SON.

2. She doesn’t TALK to her son about it.

  • You wanna know how to make your kid never trust you? Go into their room while they’re not home, rip their possessions out of the wall, throw them away forever, and then PUNISH your kid for possessing games YOU bought for them. Disgusting. Revolting. Sub-human.

3. She claims it’s “her money.”

  • Fuck that. Fuck that so hard. The kid is 13. Everything he owns is likely bought with “her money.” His clothes and his food and his toys and his school supplies, because he is a CHILD and she is his MOTHER. Just because some item was bought on her dime does NOT make it hers. It’s called providing for your fucking child. Anyone who would RECLAIM their child’s possessions under this excuse is a manipulative shit-stick who should never have had children to start.

4. Again, she does not once DISCUSS IT WITH HER SON. 

  • My parents banned me and my brothers from certain tv shows when we were younger, but they always had the decency to WATCH AN EPISODE with us so they could judge for themselves if the show was a problem. You know what the proper thing to do is? “Hey Son, I heard today that maybe these games are not suitable for a boy your age. I’m going to sit with you and watch them so I can decide for myself if these are okay, rather than taking the word of a stranger.” In all likelihood the kid has games that are FINE. Madden! NBA 2k14! Fifa!

5. She does not consider repercussions.

  • Every 13 year old boy plays these games. A lot of them play with their friends online. (Online socialization? Those millennials!!) She could have just taken a huge chunk out of the boy’s social life by ELIMINATING THE X-BOX ALL TOGETHER WITH NO DISCUSSION AND NO UNDERSTANDING AND NO COMPROMISES.
  • "Hey Tim, wanna play Call of Duty with me and Alexander at 4?” “Man, I can’t. My mom doesn’t want me playing Call of Duty. Can we do Madden NFL 15 over live?” “Yeah sure okay.” NOPE. NOT AN OPTION. BECAUSE HIS MOM SOLD THE X BOX. Rather than limiting the sorts of games he can play, his mom trashed everything. What a shitty, awful, disgusting thing to do to your young child.


  • Oh poor mom! Her son TRICKED HER! A full grown woman! He tricked her into buying him games that she never gave TWO FUCKS to investigate beforehand. He knows she “doesn’t like that stuff.” Let’s get REVENGE on a fucking CHILD without talking to him because this 13 year old   TRICKED  HER! 


  • You’ve trashed your son’s entire game collection. You ate the money buying selfish shit for yourself. Let’s put a cherry on top and FOOL HIM into believing you got him a PRESENT. So he can be HAPPY and EXCITED right before you reveal you’ve LIQUIDATED his possessions and plan on GROUNDING HIM forever. Fuck this woman. Fuck her cocky self-righteous attitude. She’s scum.

Are some of the games too intense for her kid? Maybe. Should she investigate and make sure her kid isn’t exposing himself to harmful stuff? Yeah! Is this the way to do it? Fuck. NO.

My heart goes out to this poor kid. Fuck her. Fuck “Mom.” Don’t celebrate parents being irresponsible, impulsive shitfucks to their kids.

TL:DR This woman is an awful, manipulative fuck and the moral of the story here is “Fuck young children I like watching them suffer.”

I refused to reblog this until someone addressed the issue.  My parents used very similar manipulation and abuse tactics over a lot of issues and it did not sit well with me.  Do us all a favor, if you thing “Mom” is parenting right, don’t have kids.  I am serious.  This kind of behavior isn’t funny.

To the person who broke the issue down and explained calmly, thank you.  You are a blessing.

why do you people find it so funny to make fun of/hurt children what the fucks wrong with you