
Zoë Quinn Has Launched A Network to Help Fight GamerGate Harassment & Other Online Abuse

Billed as “by survivors, for survivors,” Zoe Quinn and Alex Lifschitz have launched the Crash Override Network, which is also billed as an “online anti-harassment task force.”

Here’s the rundown from the site itself:

Who we are:

Crash Override is a support network and assistance group for victims and targets of unique forms of online harassment, composed entirely of experienced survivors. Our network includes experts in information security, white hat hacking, PR, law enforcement, legal, threat monitoring, and counseling. Most, if not all, of our agents are former clients. Prior to formal launch, our trial runs had great success in helping victims lock down their information, prevent SWATing attempts, and feel like they were back in control of their online life.

What we do:

Our network works preventatively and reactively, warning targets and working with them during episodes of harassment to keep them safe and provide them with the means to reduce harm and rebuild, as well as disempower their harassers. We understand that every cast of online harassment is unique in terms of its targets, aggressors, and circumstances, and that no one plan of survival is suitable for everyone. We instead work with clients to tailor a unique plans [sic] of action, informed by our own experience and prior success in the field.

Read the full piece here

Crash Override Network web site

This is an amazing and crucial development. Especially now that the GG trolls have escalated their game to increasingly dangerous levels, doxxing and swatting feminists. (Link TW for stalking, threat, harassment, misogyny – it is a depressing read but this is what’s happening in 2015).

Feminists in tech have to do all we can to protect women and anyone targeted by these misogynists.