I feel this is important to say:



staff you are literally making your website harder for people to use.
That isn’t hyperbole or over reaction.

You swapped the ‘post’ and ‘close’ (cancel) buttons.

EVERYONE has muscle memory, everyone is going to at least catch themselves about to hit the wrong button. But especially those with cognitive problems with change.

You removed the formatting bar & hid it in popups.

This literally loses functionality with read more cutoffs, which did not formerly need an entire new line break to be used. It is intrusive when highlighting text for editing purposes (such as restructuring) and distracting. Yes, a large amount of users will adjust. However, there is a responsibility of accessibility for platforms, especially platforms that have a significant user-base that HAVE accessibility problems.

In short, you are changing fundamental parts of your interface to appear “sleek” or “edgy” or whatever other reason you have behind the decision.

But in the process you are turning a blind eye to your users that are negatively affected by such fundamental changes.

In particular, the lack of a formal “beta test” (as far as I am aware) is particularly telling, as it is indicative of an arrogance of knowing what your users want without bothering to ask. Transparency in social media staff decision making is vital in maintaining trust with your users.

staff you are simply not trusted by your users. You have deserved this mistrust on multiple occasions.

And you are going to lose your user base.

You are not facebook. You are not embedded into society; there isn’t a tumblr page for my local dentist. The only incentives to remain here is content & social circles. BOTH of those can be relocated to literally anywhere.

Already there are websites being formed promising a better, more accessible, more transparent-decisions, more feedback-fueled experience. AND ways to migrate data. (And tbh, even lacking a data-migration ability, people can do things manually just fine.)

With your reckless actions, staff , it’s not a matter of IF you lose users, it’s a matter of when.

@everyone read this reblog this make it heard