yes but disabled pokemon trainer headcanons:
- a blind trainer being the first person to find the regis because of their understanding of braille
- a deaf trainer with an exploud because they aren’t put off by the noise
- a paralysed trainer with a kadabra to help them move things around
- depressed trainers being perscribed blisseys as a pet antidepressant
headcanons of pokemon being used to help the physically/mentally ill and enhance the lives of disabled people
If you’re feeling down today just remember that, because Sherlock Holmes is officially out of copyright, your fanfiction about Sherlock the Gay Space Unicorn is now exactly as legitimate in the eyes of the law as Moffat’s Sherlock.
the politics of light and dark are everywhere in our vocabulary…psa to writers: subvert this, reveal whiteness and lightness as sometimes artificial and violent, and darkness as healing, the unknown as natural
One of the neater things about Mario Sunshine was how Mario had a whole set of voice clips for when he had under 2 health left.
I mean holy crap he sounds like he’s just having the most miserable time of his life.
RIP Zander
This hasn’t been on my dash much, but on February 15th, 2015, Zander Nicholas Mahaffey, a 15 year old transgender male, commited suicide. He had a rough time at home and was constantly misgendered and yelled at. He wrote a suicide note over 3,000 words especially everything on his blog.
Please don’t forget Zander. We spread Leelah around, let’s spread Zander around. We need to stop families from murdering their transgender children.