The unicorn, tamable only by a virgin woman, was well established in medieval lore by the time Marco Polo described them as “scarcely smaller than elephants. They have the hair of a buffalo and feet like an elephant’s. They have a single large black horn in the middle of the forehead… They have a head like a wild boar’s… They spend their time by preference wallowing in mud and slime. They are very ugly brutes to look at. They are not at all such as we describe them when we relate that they let themselves be captured by virgins, but clean contrary to our notions.” It is clear that Marco Polo was describing a rhinoceros.
– Wikipedia’s entry on unicorns
(It occurred to me I should do some myth-checking if I wanted to keep working on my story, but I had to stop and laugh at the idea of Marco Polo looking at a rhino and going THIS IS AN ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH UNICORN, THE BESTIARIES LIED AND I WANT A REFUND.)
(via badmadwolf)
“Yeah, in my land there is a glorious magical beast with one big horn! It is incredibly ferocious and powerful and everyone respects it.”
“Hey, we have those too!”
“Oh my gosh, really, I’ve never actually seen one, where are they???”
“Right over there.”
“Aren’t they cool?”
"I am going back to Venice.”
(via roachpatrol)