

so two sisters inherit a ranch. they decide to work on it a bit and after a while realize that they need a bull in order to help them around the place. so they gather together all the spare money they have—around four hundred dollars—and one sister looks at listings online and finds a man a while away who’s got a bull to sell. she decides that she’ll travel down to see him alone and tells her sister that she’ll send a telegram so that the sister can drive down with their truck if they are able to get the bull.

so the sister eventually reaches the man who’s selling his bull and asks what his price will be. he says, “listen. I won’t take a dollar less than three hundred and ninety-nine dollars.” so the sister agrees and pays him the amount, leaving her with one dollar. then she goes to the post office and asks to send a telegram back to her sister to let her know that she’s got the bull so her sister should come and pick them up. but when she asks the person at the counter, they tell her that the telegram costs a dollar per word. the sister only has one dollar so she picks a word carefully and sends the telegram.

what word does she pick?
