




there are 2 sexes but a lot of genders. when a child is born, you have to take care of them as the sex they are because they are uncapable of understanding the difference between all the gender identities. it’s not trans*phobic or cissexist it’s literally giving the child proper care



The sex binary is no less arbitrary and violent than the gender binary

and like… there is no comprehensive agreement on what exactly constitutes sex. for any conceivable indicator of sex you could point out there are at least two or three “well, except”s:

  • genitals? intersex people; the threshold between what’s considered a very large clitoris and a very small penis is very much arbitrary, and many babies born intersex are forced to undergo risky and medically unnecessary surgery to make their genitals look more like one or the other “normal” sexes. is nature wrong or are medical professionals so concerned with maintaining the narrow binary view of sex that they will mutilate the genitals of newborn babies over it?
  • secondary sex characteristics? not really that consistent anyway, and there are some conditions that cause things like growth of a lot of facial hair in “female” people.
  • hormones? every body carries both androgens and estrogens in different amounts, and the fact that hormone replacement therapy for transgender people works demonstrates that that’s very much not set in stone.
  • sex chromosomes? popular wisdom says XX is female and XY is male, but there’s also XO (missing second chromosome aka Turner syndrome), XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), XXYY, XXXY, XXXXY, XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, XYY, and even a condition in which some cells have XX chromosomes and others have XY chromosomes.

in our patriarchal society for the vast majority of people there is not effectively a difference between “taking care of your child as the sex they are” and enforcing a particular gender, because to most people there is no difference between sex and gender. it absolutely is cissexist.

“they are incapable of understanding the difference between all the gender identities”… at what point do you consider a child qualified to judge their own experience of gender? and what does gender identity have to do with “taking care of the child as the sex they are” anyway? this is supposed to be “not cissexist” but considering birth-assigned sex and gender equivalent is literally the definition of cissexism.

tl;dr: the OP reeks of unexamined cissexism and binarism.