did u know that she has dated people who id as men in the past
did u know that she could be bisexual
did u know that ladies who like other ladies do not only ever id as lesbians
did u know that im tired of the media [and that includes social media] outing ppl
did you know that she is already harassed by the paparazzi about her sexuality
did you know she is asked in interviews about her sexuality and is placed in an uncomfortable situation where she has to say something without answering the question
did you know that kristen stewart is only twenty five years old and has been hated by the public since she was seventeen/eighteen years old and starred in twilight for things like not smiling enough and keeping her mouth open
did you know she would probably receive a lot of hate from the public if she publicly came out
it is the job of the adult not to date children. is the job of other adults to call out and prevent other adults from dating children. it is not the child’s responsibility to stop it. most children don’t know better, put the pressure, and the responsibility, on the adults who do know better.