Reminder to everyone celebrating “Autism Awareness” today


  • Autism is part of who we are, it’s brilliant and it doesn’t need a cure.
  • Allism (non-autistic) is not inherently better than autism, it’s just that the majority of people are allistic, which means the world is tailored to them, rather than to autistics.
  • Autistic people know more about autism than parents of autistic kids.
  • Autism Speaks is a terrible organisation that causes a lot of harm to autistic people and you shouldn’t support it.
  • You also shouldn’t Light It Up Blue, a movement started by Autism Speaks.
  • Labels like “high functioning” and “severe” are silly and used to divide and dismiss autistic people. Autism is a spectrum and people have a lot of different autistic “traits” – it doesn’t just go from less autistic to more autistic.
  • Autistic people are not puzzle pieces, mysteries, or missing in any way.
  • Anyone can be autistic, not just the stereotypical white male kid. Girls are much less likely to get a diagnosis than boys are, though.
  • The majority of autistic people are not fond of today, as it is used by to talk over us. Please listen to us today.