Here’s a few notable people i have encountered at my job at an
amusement park-very drunk man who tried to light a cop car on fire with a bic
lighter. Gave me thumbs up while being arrested-at least 30 attack on titan cosplayers
-a pluto activist (the most boring conversation i have ever had)
-a pleasant group of furries. One bought me a soda.
-middle-aged couple with matching ‘stop obama’ shirts who angrily
lectured me on why i should vote republican. (i’m a 17yo Canadian
girl)-shawn mendez
-intoxicated group of australian tourists that had me sing the canadian national anthem with them
-intoxicated group of indian tourists that tried to convince me one of them was the guy from life of pi
-a man who wasn’t kanye west but i thought it was
-a lovely elderly woman who told me her favourite food was pussy
-large group of attractive arab men who didn’t speak a lick of english but sang
‘let it go’ with me-a man in a straight-jacket who played ring toss with his mouth
-suburban dad in his late 40’s who covered his daughters’ ears and
asked if i wanted to go for a drink-child on a leash (no parent)
-a very intimidating gang who offered me drugs and, when i
politely declined, had a lengthy conversation about death note with
me-adam sandler
what the hell is your job
WHERE the hell is your job is a better question