









do a video naked butt and boob

does anyone else find this sad and pathetic instead of funny?…

I find it really disturbing the way little boys are learning to talk about women. How do kids this young even know what nude videos even are? What kind of men are they going to turn into if they already talk to/about women with such entitlement and such little respect? This is not funny at all, it’s sad and disgusting and scary.

my parents live next to an elementary school for kids age 6-12 and i’ve been sickened by these little boys harassing me by similar and uglier words even now as a 20 years old. in what world could u imagine little girls shouting similar stuff at 20 year old men. it doesn’t happen. it’s telling how hypersexualized and misogynistic the culture is, and no doubt porn has a lot to do with it..

And things like this ad and I’d wager about a million just like it contribute to this by telling little boys that objectifying women is good and what they should always want to do.

These are boys who are far too young to be interested in sex with women. Like, they haven’t even reached puberty yet, the physical desire is not yet a part of their lives. They’re doing it because it’s an easy way to bully women. If that doesn’t prove it’s about power before it’s about sex, I don’t know what does.

as a mother of a young boy, this makes me feel physically sick

Sadly, this isn’t something new or uncommon at all in young boys. Doing research on bullying, sexism, and sociology a few years back, I found multiple articles and studies where children were observed at school or during community events, with the aim being to find out the inner workings of what children intend and think about when they harass others.

Pretty much every one of them found that there was an alarming system established in every group of boys that was based on humiliation via accusations of being “feminine” and in general too much like women, and they made these accusations based on how they treated other people, particularly their girl peers. I remember in particular some boys were interviewed, and they said that it’s fine if a boy is gay, but if he’s a “fag” (ie, like a girl) then that’s not okay, whether he’s gay or straight. And the only way a boy could shake off their male peers, was to harass their female peers, up to and including making threats of sexual assault, aggressive requests for nudes (even in elementary school), and physical harassment (the same study I mentioned remembering, the researcher saw a group of boys jabbing a girl in the rear, breasts, and crotch with drum sticks and chanting “get raped, get raped”).

I don’t know why it was a revelation to me, though, as I had experienced the same. In fact, almost every DFAB experiences this treatment. It’s one prominent reason why so many get dramatically upset about breast development when it starts – because then their peers, particularly cis boys, would consistently tease, harass, and grope them over it. My own family was doing this to me – I had a cousin pull my shirt up over my head, and my brother grope my breasts while saying “big boobs, big titties!”.

This isn’t something new or uncommon by any means.

Yeah when I was in ninth grade I was in my school’s library and a bunch of babyfaced little sixth grade puppies managed to work their way around the net nanny and find pictures of some model with her boobs out like, right next to me.

i can’t really blame eleven or twelve year olds for being interested in sex and wanting to explore their new feelings and shit but these kids already knew how to say crap like ‘i’d fuck her raw’ and ‘i’d squeeze those titties right off’ to impress each other and i didn’t say anything. i was like, fourteen, and there were seven or eight of these boys, and i was so freaked out i just slunk away…

i still wish i’d fuckin raised hell but there’s this paralyzing silence that gets you when you’re young and confronted with that kind of shit. you just never know what to do. i never made more of a fuss about any of the sexual harassment i saw or received in basically all of middleschool and highschool. i mean it was never a compliment, it was always about boys playing power games, but if you complained then everyone would just say damn take a compliment bitch or who’d even want you tho, you’re ugly as hell or he’s just joking around goddamn or you think you sexy enough everyone’s tripping over you? get real. or ain’t like you got better prospects. take what you can get. 

no one ever says ‘wait, you’re thirteen, maybe it isn’t funny that some kid you barely know humped the back of your head while beatboxing’ or ‘you were wearing such a sexless jumble of baggy clothes that those boys who followed you all passing period jeering and whistling had to be just trying to scare you.’ 

i really hope that’s changing.