s.o.s (v bad situation, need help)


okay so i’m gonna try to recap this as quickly as possible. my name’s deane and i’ve been living with shitty parents for my whole life. they’re very conservative, have that “traditional” family-oriented thinking process, very emotionally abusive (at some point it was physical as well). i’ve been depressed since 7th grade (i am now in 12th, very close to graduating). i could deal with all of that bc i knew college was just right around the corner, that kept me going. they didn’t start getting Unbearably bad until i entered high school, at that point i was ready to figure myself out, do normal teenager stuff and they have suffocated me and continue to suffocate me to the point where i don’t even know who i am anymore. i have tried to get child protective services to help in the past but emotional abuse is something that cannot be proven easily. and in their culture, that stuff’s okay and is the standard. 

three years ago, my dad lost his job and we’ve been sinking into the ground ever since. my mom’s been unemployed her entire life and i can’t get a job because i’m a 17 year old who lives in california who has 0 connections. i’ve applied to tons and tons of jobs but i get nothing. 

i got accepted into college though and i have a lot of financial aid so i’m set to go in august. now here’s the problem: my dad doesn’t want to stay in the u.s. anymore. he doesn’t want to work, he doesn’t wanna do anything. he wants to go back to our home country, where it is pretty much standard for parents to take advantage of their kids, abuse them as much as they want and they can get away with it. there’s no such thing as “adult age” or “getting out” when you’re an adult or any of that. they have total control over me over there, more than they do right now. i would literally kill myself before i could go live in an environment like that, my mental state just can’t take it anymore. 

an hour ago, i got an option. to find somewhere to live until i can dorm at college but i absolutely have no money saved whatsoever. i can probably stay with a friend for the few months but i really really need some money to help me with necessities, like food, clothes, transportation.i might have to fly to canada to stay with my friend over there and i’d need to buy a plane ticket which i don’t have the money for. i will still try to get a job but it is very unlikely in california’s economy, it’s very hard to be employed under 18 here.

please, if you can donate anything to help me, i’d be eternally grateful. this is last resort, i would never ask people for money like that but i have tried so hard to get a job but it’s just not working out for me (i still continue to try though) 

go here to donate!!!! anything is appreciated.