
“It’s so interesting. It has the type of maths I love. It’s real maths – theories, complex numbers, all that type of stuff,” she giggles. “It was super easy. My mum taught me in a nice way.”

She adds: “I want to (finish the course) in two years. Then I’m going to do my PhD in financial maths when I’m 13. I want to have my own bank by the time I’m 15 because I like numbers and I like people and banking is a great way to help people.”

And in case people think her parents have pushed her into starting university early, Esther emphatically disagrees.

“I actually wanted to start when I was seven. But my mum was like, “you’re too young, calm down.” After three years of begging, mother Efe finally agreed to explore the idea.

And Esther isn’t the only maths prodigy in the family. Her younger brother Isaiah, 6, will soon be sitting his first A-level exam in June. [x]


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