




There’s a lot of young people who are going to be eligible to vote in America during this election so in light of the fact that this website is currently thrumming with political interest I’d just like to remind them that abstaining from voting is not useful or radical, it’s playing right into the hands of the people who want this country to progress backwards. I can guarantee you that there will be an ENORMOUS conservative turn out and if the younger generation doesn’t match it it will literally be a disaster

it’s well known in the US that democrats massively outnumber republicans; the reasons that republicans win election are a combination of gerrymandering and voter apathy from progressives who feel that their vote doesn’t make a difference.

it’s true that obama hasn’t fixed the united states, but if the republicans control the white house things will get worse.

Also, while the presidential election is shaping up to be massively boring (it’s like 1992 all over again I’m already bored and I wasn’t alive in 1992) some things of note

Your state/county/city might have propositions/referendums/etc on the ballot. In 2012, Washington state legalized marriage equality, in large part because of massive young voter turnout (young voters are majority Democrat).

Your representatives ARE up for reelection and your senators might be. The President is the most visible aspect of our government, but Congress is what makes laws. Also, if you’re here for third parties, this is the highest level where they’re viable.

Your vote counts in the oddest ways. When it comes to primaries and caucuses, far fewer people (and far more extreme people) vote, and you can make a difference just by showing up. Also, the first election I really paid attention to was 2004. Again, presidential campaign, not so hot, but the Washington state gubernatorial race came down to 129 votes. Most of my fics are read by more people than that.

City councils! Police departments! Local government, yo! If your primary goal is to stop police brutality, that isn’t happening at the federal level. It’s happening city by city, and the way to affect change there is to vote for local officials who share your views.

School boards and university funding can also come out of elections. While not in all areas, you may be able to vote directly for school board members (not necessarily very useful for you but will help any younger siblings you have), and some places have votes on increasing taxes in order to lower university tuition.

I’ve missed some areas but in summary: You aren’t just voting for president. No matter how lackluster the two candidates are, there are many more things on the ballot that will directly impact your daily life.

If you will be 18 on or before Election Day 2016, are a US citizen, and have not committed a felony, you are probably eligible to vote. Your responsibility for the next 17 months is to register. If you don’t think you can, contact local or federal groups such as the ACLU, and they will try to help you.

Please, please do not let the presidential candidates keep you from voting. There are so many other things happening on the same ballot that you can affect.

Also if you’re having trouble registering, oftentimes universities will have massive voting pushes in the fall semester. Those are not just for college students. Anyone can sign up there. 

Can’t bang this drum hard enough – GO REGISTER! GO VOTE!

Vote in your Primaries. Vote in your city council elections. Vote every time they give you the chance to vote, because you and your descendant Americans NEED TO KEEP THAT RIGHT, And like any other right, the only way to keep it is to EXERCISE it.