It is super important to understand that what looks good for cosplays =/= healthy for your body. Do not put acrylic paint on your skin. A lot of brands of acrylic paint have metal in it and it can actually poison you and make you sick. Not to mention it is difficult to remove, gets suck in hair easily, and will clog your pores for 10,000 years (probably not but it’ll definitely stay put unless you scrub until you’re skin’s red).
Here is a detailed post about why PAX paint is not a good idea, why it can be dangerous to you, and other, healthier alternatives for your skin.
The alternatives include a lot of stuff we already recommend such as Ben Nye, Kryolan, and more.Seriously guys, don’t hurt yourselves trying to paint for a cosplay. There’s nothing fun about working hard on a cosplay only to get sick and spend hours in a con bathroom feeling awful.
No cosplay with worth more than your health.
-Mod TurtleMentioning this again because several people have sent asks mentioning PAX paint.