Dear non-Jewish followers (AKA some of my favorite goyim),



If you are not already reblogging PSAs to help your Jewish friends/followers receive word about safety during this wave of neo-Nazi cyberbullying, please do so.

This includes neo-Nazi URLs to block and things to do to avoid being exposed to triggers.  There have been a number of these fucks using the submit feature to send graphic images of our dead–primarily from the Holocaust–to us.  This has been happening with increased frequency since Yom HaShoah, the Jewish day of mourning for those we lost in the Holocaust.

At minimum–and we should not have to do this, but staff is doing jack shit to protect us–all Jewish users should take the following precautions:

1) Turn off anonymous asks

2) Turn off the options to submit photos, videos, or audio

3) Block the following users– (PLEASE ADD ANY NEO-NAZI URLS YOU FIND OUT AND CROSS THEM OFF AS THEY DISAPPEAR.  These fucks are deleting and restarting almost as soon as we can block them because Tumblr staff hasn’t been taking action to bar their IP addresses)

  • aryandoll
  • deadkikes
  • shower-anon

deadkikes is now more-dead-kikes