


okay so the only Harry Potter i accept is Indian Harry Potter but imagine this:

Biracial Harry. James is South Indian and Lily is white. As Harry is practically identical to James, he still looks very Indian.

The Dursleys are a white family and Harry is the one brown child.

So can you imagine, on top of the abuse and neglect he experiences in the Dursley household, tiny baby Harry also has to deal with people telling him “the Dursleys must be so nice to take you in” and “you know they’re not your REAL family” and “did your parents not want you?”

So growing up, Harry doesn’t know whether or not he could actually feel bitter towards the Dursleys because, well, they took someone like him in.

#yes basically this is it this is the canon #look at this post #look at it with your eyes #harry being brown but not knowing what he is for a long time bc the dursleys dont speak of his parents #so he just knows he’s Other and its a while before he even knows his dad is desi #and to harry indian is Bad because vernon says it in a Bad Tone of Voice #but like? the indian population is p large in britian so he sees others who look like him #and he wonders abt them and their culture because he knows nothing about it #and he just. feels really isolated and drifting #and then harry has to deal with internalized racism on top of his guilt complex and hero complex and ptsd and trauma and etc etc etc#but yeah like indian harry who isnt allowed to sit in on family portraits because he ruins their suburban pasty aesthetic #harry who meets the patil twins and feels really inferior bc he doesnt know anything about the culture at all and they know everything #parvati mentioning some cultural traditions to him so he knows at least something #harry getting that album of his parents lives from hagrid and half of it is the potters in traditional indian clothes #harry learning about who he is both as a wizard and an indian!! #harry still standing out among the pale red headed weasleys which sucks but at least he has poc hermione to commiserate with #speaking of which hermione taking on race issues and educating harry about all the internalized racism and microaggressions he grew up with #listen. #desi harry potter. #its everything. (x)

I have seen several racebent headcanons (though technically, there is nothing in the books to say Harry is white), but this is brilliant.