how to help in Nepal


If you didn’t see the post I reblogged earlier–there was a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal. At least 1,200 people have died. Kathmandu was badly hit. It’s a city of over a million people. They’re going to need food, water, and shelter on top of medical help and search and rescue.

Food and bottled water are already running short. People are afraid to go back inside and are sleeping outside despite the cold.

If you can donate here are some reputable charities, who are already on the ground helping in the rescue efforts. And if you cannot donate, please consider reblogging.


The International Red Cross & Red Crescent in Nepal


Save the Children

you can also donate to your local Red Cross in your country and you can often select to apply the money “to where the need is greatest.” 

When donating to charity it’s a good idea to check to make sure your money is being put to good use and the charity is not a scam. 

And please feel free to add other ways to help.

Google has launched a person finder tool since communications are severely impaired there right now.