What does is mean for England now that the Tories are in power?




i got another message like this asking me to explain the same thing so hopefully this will answer that as well and anyone else who asks.

  • they plan to scrap the human rights act. yeah, you read that correctly. they plan to get rid of an act of human rights, that protects and has protected countless people from cruelty and just general dire mistreatment. without that, nobody could use “you have violated my human rights” as a reason for condemning anyone for behaving abhorrently and harmfully. just in case you don’t know what the human rights act entails, or what human rights are, you can read about it here.
  • in the last 5 years under a tory coalition, almost 1 MILLION people in britain have had to turn to food banks in order to survive. people have been made so utterly poor that they cannot afford to put bread on the table for themselves and their families. in the last 5 years, the number of food banks in england has risen from 56 to 445. 

  • because of this, people are dying. that’s why this isn’t something to laugh about or brush off or ignore, people are actually DYING because of the work of the tories. an example here:

    “David Clapson, a diabetes sufferer was found dead from acute lack of insulin after his benefits had been stopped. There was no food in his flat – or in his stomach, an autopsy found – and he had just £3.44 in his bank account. Why? Because the ex-soldier, who was reportedly found with a pile of printed CV’s near his body, had been deemed not to be taking the search for work seriously enough.”

  • they plan to make £12 BILLION worth of cuts to the welfare system. that’s a system that protects the vulnerable, the physically/mentally ill, the disabled, the needy, the poor. why can’t they raise the taxes of the richest 1% (many of whom rest on their pedestals in the tory party) to get an increase of funds for whatever other shit they’re planning to do? silly me, of course that could never happen, because instead, they have, and will continue to, give absolutely ridiculous tax cuts to the most wealthy and fortunate people in this country.
  • They are rapidly privatising our valuable free services such as the NHS. under the tory coalition, 74 NHS walk in centres were either closed or downgraded. one of these happened to be in my town, and now it’s so much harder to get seen by doctor. after the walk-in centre in my town closed, i had to wait 3 weeks for an appointment about a problem with my eye. i then had to wait 5 weeks for a referral to hospital. turns out i had a serious problem with my tear duct, which if left alone, could have potentially caused blindness. that’s only my experience of it, and i dread to think how other people have been affected in far worse ways. furthermore they have created the worst A&E crisis in 12 years, with numbers of A&E patients soaring due to resorting to A&E because it’s so hard to get seen by a GP (oh, AND they sold the NHS direct helpline and NHS 111). they are endorsing TTIP, which is selling parts of the NHS (along with many other things) to huge, multi-national corporations. they are SELLING a service that saves peoples’ lives. it also might be of interest to know that through TTIP the tories are lessening their grasp on certain safety regulations for imports into this country, including food hygiene and quality of ingredients. look forward to more plastics and other cancer-causing chemicals being put into your food.
  • they have increased homelessness by A THIRD. there are enough houses/flats etc in london to house EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS PERSON and have SPARE LEFT OVER, but we never hear about that, do we? it’s absolute fucking cruelty.
  • people like to argue that labour, the opposition, are a terrible party because they borrowed too much money and fucked the economy. those people are obviously choosing to ignore the fact that over the last 5 years, the tories have borrowed £500 BILLION. that’s a HUGE amount more than labour ever borrowed. george osborne alone borrowed more for HIMSELF than labour borrowed for the sake of the country. yep.
  • in january, david cameron claimed that there should be absolutely no form of communication available that the government cannot read. he has thus proposed a ban on imessage, snapchat and whatsapp. they have a fucking policy for it. it’s called ‘the snoopers’ charter’.

That’s hardly anything at all and i could sit here typing all day but hopefully that’s enough to help you understand why this election result is extremely bad news.

here are some links so you know i’m not making this shit up, and where you’ll find some more info:





I dont usually reblog this, but when I do, it is to comment on how services like the NHS are actually sustainable if not for conservative sabotage. By which I mean, they are going to close them, and then use the long waiting time to say “this is why they don’t work” among other things.

Adding on to say that the trend on deficit spending was similar after the US election, which ended in George Bush Jr as president for two terms. Without commenting on the differences between Democrats and, say, Labour, the point is that anti-socialist measures made by hypercapitalist people in power is not actually an effective cost-cutting measure. In fact, their concerns are not going to be cutting cost at all; the money will go towards hawkish warmongering (see: Thatcher, Bush Jr) to further the interests of the few.

Re the NHS: they are also selling off Medical Records Handling.

And for the snoopers charter, they specifically mentioned they would ban encryption. You know, that thing that 99% of web services rely on to be safe, secure and private.