Posting this here for those who would like to vote for a Democrat, just not the one that will screw us all over. Bernie Sanders seems like the best way to go.
I almost never get into politics, but he really does seem to have a lot of good stuff going for him!
Happy to see this, I’ve really wanted more info regarding him.
This post is incredibly inaccurate. There are so many errors in this graph for all candidates! I am critical of Hillary Clinton too and I’m a full-on supporter of Bernie Sanders but this graphic does not reflect the candidates’ views on issues. I researched these candidates fully to create a more accurate graphic below, with the errors I corrected circled in red. But I strongly urge everyone to see this post with my own graphic that gives the candidates a more accurate a letter grade for each issue and provides sources and commentary on their views. Please boost that post in the link.
Again, see this post for sources.
Notice that Hillary Clinton’s section and Rand Paul’s are the most inaccurate. Hillary Clinton’s seems to have been edited to make her look more conservative and Rand Paul’s seemed to erase the libertarian leanings he has on social issues.
One thing I want to mention is that Bernie Sanders is the real deal. He appears to be a progressive and it’s super exciting to see him run. Him over Hillary Clinton 1,000,000%. BUT THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR MISINFORMATION! Especially misinformation this egregious. Hillary Clinton literally championed universal healthcare as first lady and Rand Paul has continually spoken out against the NSA. Just inexcusable.