Hey you remember that huge ass log Ash ran with and tossed in that one episode? Well I calculated how much the log weighs, if you’re interested.









You have my attention

I decided to start from the scene where the Bagon originally landed on the log.


Okay, was about to land on it. Point is, it’s the same log Ash threw. Now, Bagon is about 2 ft tall, and since he’s directly above the log, I can get an accurate measurement.


(That was as good as I could get on iPhone Photoshop.)
Okay, so the log is 6.5 Bagons long. Multiplying that by two, it’s 13 feet. Now, the calculator I was using required diameter on both ends. I’d say the log’s diameter is fairly consistent all the way around, so I only needed to find one end. For that, I used this image.


The Bagon is a bit far away, but I think the log has roughly the diameter of the height of a Bagon. Two feet, which translates to 24 inches.


Now if you have looked at the top, there was only one thing left I needed to input. Doing some further episode watching, I found the trees in the area looked similar to cottonwood trees. (No image available because I was a tired shit from doing all of that math and bad Photoshopping, so I didn’t take a picture. The episode is called Pinch Healing if you are a tree expert and want to see for yourself. Also, keep in mind that I am anything but a tree expert. All I did were a few Google searches.) So I put in that the tree was cottonwood, and here is the result:


Satoshi/Ash Ketchum, a ten year old boy, almost effortlessly picked up, ran with, and tossed a log that weighed an astounding 1,385 pounds (or about 628.23 kilograms)!

1,385 pounds


The strongest Pokemon we never knew


Surely by now, we all know this boy goes to the gym