signs and their overpriced clothes


Ariesthis $31,959 cape
Taurus a €2,785 rainbow dress that will give you brain damage
Gemini this $4,150 black dress. (literally… just a black dress)
Cancer a $695 scarf that looks like you bought it at a thrift shop
Leo this ugly $12,935 coat
Virgo this £2,050 cape thing
Libra leather leggings, just $2,130
Scorpio whatever this $12,790 thing is
Sagittarius this blue €7,765 shirt
Capricorn –  a brown bag. which costs…  £5,677 
Aquarius this very colorful neon dress that looks like it’s made for 8 year olds, it just costs €2,265
Pisces this €2,675 black jacket which looks 3 years old