For homeless gals, period pain is an understatement. Though they bleed regularly, they do not get sanitary towels. They’ve got to RIP UP CLOTH to put between their legs. A period kit (pads, s.t., pain pills) is considered a luxury.
And yet homeless MEN receive things such as razors and condoms for free, and aplenty.
I want to congratulate you on completing step one: recognizing the problem. But to recognize a problem and not do anything about it is just complaining. You can’t call it an inequality if you’re not taking very basic steps to help solve this issue. (Sidenote: since when do razors and condoms not benefit women as well?)
So here’s step two: solving the problem.
Organize a Tampon/Pad Drive
Donate to Distributing Dignity
Make Hygiene Kits for the Homeless
Free Samples of U by Kotex
Free Sample Pack of Poise
Support Day for Girls
The Period Project
Find a Local Food Bank to Donate to