


ok but this is like my favorite homestuck moment because dirk has never met meenah. dirk doesn’t even know what trolls are. he’s just flying through an empty void when some girl with horns and grey skin and sickass jewelry runs up and goes to high five him and damn straight he’s gonna high five back

dirk actually should know what trolls are since his and roxys version of earth was ruled by the condesce but okay

I’m actually not sure which is funnier. That he didn’t know what a troll was– “huh what the fuck is that some kind of demon kid aw well she’s comin’ in for a sick high five”

or that he DOES know and he’s just like “son of a bitch is that fish hitler? What the fuck is she doing her? Oh bitch wait gotta high-five her, even fish hitler doesn’t deserve to be left hanging”