

if you need to abbreviate “japan” or “japanese” in any way shape or form, please for the love of god use jpn instead of jap. the word jap is a racial slur. i still see “yeah i have the jap version of (thing)” around and i’ll correct it and give the benefit of the doubt, but it still scares the bajeezus outta me!!!

Wtf is an eggplant? Eggs don’t grow on plants,that’s a god damn aubergine.




calm down

Fun fact: Eggplants were originally called dick plants, named after the man who discovered them, Earl Dick. Then, however, people noticed the phallic design of the vegetable and began to use the word “dick” to describe the not-so-plant-like genitals. After this, dickplant farmers noticed that the only people who were buying were using the dickplant for unholy means. They then decided to rename the plant “eggplant” in order to distance it from the penis completely, effectively boosting sales once again.






AU where Steve gets 48 kid sidekicks from the US government, called things like “Private Texas” or “Lieutenant North Carolina” and together they’re

Captain America and The States

*small tears for [presumably] Alaska and Hawaii*

They weren’t states yet in 1942.

As a fan of RvB I can give you list of dead freelancers why you shouldn’t do that




Today is National Sorry Day,
a day to remember those who were affected by government policies of compulsory removal of

indigenous Australians from their families and communities who were robbed of their land and those who have
been wrongfully killed

I call it ‘pay no heed to the continuing forced removals, child theft and genocide behind the curtain’ day

You know there’s more forced removals of children now than there were during the stolen generation, and while Indiginous Australians only make up 2% of Australia’s population since you know, genocide, they make up an enormous 25% of Australia’s prison population.

In other words, while one in 50 Australians is Indiginous, one in four inmates is. 

My dad always told me never say sorry if you don’t mean it. And if you mean it it’s a promise to never do it again. 
Otherwise your apology is a lie. 

hey have i mentioned i am getting a baby chicken on thursday!!!!


I always feel like I should apologize for my personal posts, but then I realize that I have Ultimate Blog Power. I can write an essay about how sad I am and then post ten pictures of dogs rollerblading. You can’t stop me.


Last Airbender AU where Zuko and Katara get married and their first born child, a Waterbender, is the next Fire Lord.

On legendry.




Lately, I’ve run across complaints that modern depictions of the Knights of the Round Table are too “anime” – giving them all sorts of goofy powers, and sending them on weird, over-the-top adventures.

Allow me to point out that the following are all actual things that appear in the older tales about the Knights:

  • Sir Kay is said to have had the power to grow to giant size, hold his breath for nine days, and radiate supernatural heat from his hands.
  • Sir Bedivere openly practiced sorcery, and suffered from an accordingly sinister reputation; on more than one occasion, he was saved from being hanged as a witch only by King Arthur’s testimonly to his good character.
  • Sir Galahad possessed supernatural strength and speed by virtue of his moral and sexual purity – making him a rare example of a male character with virginity-fueled super powers.
  • Sir Balin once wielded the Lance of Longinus, and blew up an entire kingdom with a single blow. He also fought an evil knight with the power of invisibility.
  • Sir Marrock was a freaking werewolf.

Conclusion: modern depctions of the Knights of the Round Table aren’t anime enough.

I made this post two years ago, and while it’s never really taken off, it’s still getting a small burst of additional notes every couple of months. I wonder how folks keep finding it?

Anyway, the original post is hardly exhaustive – here are a few more fun examples:

  • Sir Gawain (you know, the guy involved in that whole mess with the Green Knight) is described as literally solar-powered in some tales, being three times as strong at high noon as he is at daybreak.
  • Sir Owain’s best friend and partner in battle is a talking lion. While his tales do include a sort of “origin story” explaining how he met the lion, the fact that it can talk isn’t remarked upon – it’s just a thing.
  • Sir Gwrhyr is able to speak every language, including those of animals, and in some versions can transform into various animals as well.
  • Though Lancelot isn’t usually described as having any specific supernatural powers or tools, he’s constantly described as “perfect” by everyone who sees him – you can practically see the bishie sparkles.

(Speaking of Lancelot, it’s interesting to note that in the earlier stories, his illicit romance with Guinevere is actually part of a love triangle involving another knight named Galehaut – and the focus of that love triangle isn’t Guinevere, but Lancelot himself! Galehaut has been quietly edited out of more modern retellings for sadly obvious reasons.)

whats up nerds i found a novelized historical slash fic about lancelot and galehaut written by two medieval scholars here it is youre welcome