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Don’t you EVER do this to a person’s hair. That is a VIOLATION of a person’s body! If you think “she deserved it” then you deserve to be punished for harassment because doing anything to a person’s body without their permission is harassment. And since hair is a part of a person;s body, you have no right to touch, play with, cut, or mess up a person;s hair witout explicit permission. 

Just ASK the girl to move her hair off your desk or to have the desk moved away a little.

“BUT IT’LL GROW BACK” Not always! My mother had long gorgeous hair and her grandmother cut it all off and it NEVER grew back the same length again! She was DEVASTATED. 

This girl is probably FURIOUS and she has every right to be!

Next time someone thinks it’s “funny” to cut a person’s hair without their permission, I hope they get punched in the face. 

“Funny” but True story: Cutting off a chunk of someone’s hair without their consent is actually, legally considered assault and battery with a deadly weapon. A girl in my sister’s class did this exact thing to her once, and she reported it to the police. The girl was legit charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Yep. Hair is considered, legally, to be part of someone’s body, hence the law.

Here is the Law: 

Also, the mentality of someone who sees no problem literally just reaching out and doing this to someone is sociopathic. Like, I would NEVER even think to reach out and cut off a piece of someone’s clothing even, much less their hair.

But yeah. For future reference: If anyone does this to you in class. You can report it to your local police station.

Someone pretended to do this to me in high school. They had fake hair in their hand and snipped the scissors close to my head and laughed hysterically. They held the hair in front of my face and taunted me while everyone laughed too. Instead of lashing out and hitting them (like high school me always did) or taking the hair, I burst into tears. I just started crying hysterically.

Why? Because someone thought it would be funny to cut my hair without my permission. Because I had spent YEARS growing my hair out after a terrible haircut (that I brought on myself). And because no one thought it was wrong that they did this.

The teacher came over at the sight of me crying and made everyone stop laughing. She asked me what was wrong and I pushed the fake hair toward her (still not knowing it was fake), put my head in my hands and kept crying. I expected her to tell me to just take the joke and it’s nothing to cry about. Instead she held the hair up and asked, “Who did this?” there were a few snickers, “This is not funny, who did this?” I hadn’t seen who did it because they were behind me so I couldn’t tell her either.

Finally someone pointed at a kid and he said, “It was a joke! The hair is fake!” the teacher walked over to him and told him to gather his stuff. He said something like, “She’s being a baby it was a joke!” to which my teacher replied, “You pretended to cut off her hair without her consent, that is not a joke.” she sent him to the office and he wasn’t allowed back in her class for a week. 

Also worth noting that some religions (the one that immediately comes to mind is Sikhism, though it’s not the only one) consider hair sacred or blessed, and forbid cutting or removing it! Not only is cutting someone’s hair without their consent assault, but it could also be violating their religious beliefs/practices!

if u cut off my hair the scissors are going into your neck next