How does everyone sleep, like who sleeps on their tummies or sides or backs?


I answered something similar to this for the Freelancers already, so I’ll do one for the BGC now.

Sarge sleeps on his back, with his shotgun under one hand. He also talks in his sleep. Usually about killing Blues, or killing Grif.

Grif sleeps sprawled on his stomach, except when Simmons is there. Then his sleeps on his side, curled into Simmons’ organic side, with his head on Simmons’ shoulder.

Simmons doesn’t need much sleep, so most nights he stays up working while everyone else sleeps- it’s a good time to get paperwork done. One nights he does sleep, or nights he stays with Grif while Grif sleeps, he sleeps on his back, with Grif curled into his organic side.

Donut changes position a lot, though he settles about halfway through the night. He usually wakes up with his face in a puddle of drool and at least one limb hanging off the bed.

Lopez powers down to sleep mode while standing in a modified broom closet. He uses this down-time to both recharge his power cells as well as to process all of the data he’s taken in during the day. Like Simmons, he needs less down-time and like Simmons, will often use the chance to work without everyone under foot. (He and Simmons get on surprisingly well in this time.)

Tucker sleeps naked, sprawled on his back. He starts off with a blanket but this will usually get kicked off pretty quickly. He also sleep-masturbates, and Wash refuses to come near his room between lights out and time to wake up.

Caboose talks in his sleep, alternating between typical Caboose nonsense and commentary on AI that almost sounds like a college lecture on the subject. He has a very specific bedtime ritual that involves Church, Tucker, or Wash telling him a story and tucking him in, among other things. He sleeps on his side, half-curled up (this is more practical than anything, since otherwise he hangs off the end of the bed).

When he and Tucker share a bed, they hold hands between them, but it doesn’t happen much because Tucker hates how clingy Caboose can get in his sleep and also he does not want to listen to Caboose mumbling to himself all night.

Sister also sleeps naked, usually on her front, clinging to her pillow. She’s also a sleepwalker.

Doc has nightmares unless he has someone to hold him in his sleep.

Church doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t know why. He doesn’t think it’s strange. It’s perfectly normal. Why are you making it weird? Sometimes people don’t sleep. It’s fine. Get over it.