consider the following




  • “please for the love of god help you’re the only one here who speaks English” AU
  • “i go to this restaurant every week and sit at the same table and suddenly you’re my new server” AU
  • “i’ve been breaking my phone on purpose just because you work at the help desk” AU
  • “i saw you taking selfies and i wondered if i could take one with you” AU
  • “i’m the sarcastic techie who got dragged into running your stupid presentation” AU
  • “we somehow ended up in charge of senior prank” AU
  • “i’ve walked into your classroom four times by mistake can you please help me learn my way around this stupid school” AU
  • “your music’s way too loud bUT THAT’S MY FAVORITE SONG” AU
  • “bored single parents at a OneDirection concert” AU
  • “mutual drunk friend called BOTH of us to pick them up from a party well this is awkward” AU
  • “for the last time we do not sell hydrochloric acid I’M CALLING THE COPS” AU
  • “your email address is one letter different from my friend’s so i keep emailing you by mistake” AU
  • “you accidentally added me to this group chat and i don’t know how to take myself off” AU

ya’ll really liked this so i’m bringing it back with some more

  • “i’m at a climbing gym and i need someone to belay me and hey you look about the right size” AU
  • “good old fashioned pawn shop waffle iron bidding war” AU
  • “Netflix support” AU
  • “rival sandwich shops” AU
  • “met at a panel at a convention” AU
  • “we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
  • “i thought someone was breaking into my apartment but it turns out you just forgot your key and thought this was your place” AU
  • “you think i always forget pencils in this class but actually i just want to talk to you and now have a little over 200 pencils at home” AU
  • “actor at a haunted house/person who punches the actor in the face” AU
  • “somehow we’re both closeted fans of the same stupid thing” AU
  • “hate each other but got thrown in the same group during a team building exercise” AU
  • “oh, these are your Birkenstocks?” AU

ooookay so i told myself that i’d do some more if this got to 1K and to my ultimate surprise and genuinely pleased shock here we are so let’s go kiddos

  • “i know i stole your headphones but believe me I REALLY NEED THEM” AU
  • “i need to knit my friend a present so can you maybe teach me how to knit” AU
  • “does anyone here have an iPhone 5 charger? ANYONE?” AU
  • “you’re my gardener and i hired you to plant some roses but would you like to stay and plant some sunflowers and stay and have some dinner” AU
  • “is that REALLY what you want us to write on your custom-order cake?” AU
  • “our stage got flooded, can we borrow your theater?” AU
  • “at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
  • “we work at opposite ends of a library but we have this book swap thing going on and somehow we started leaving notes in the books” AU
  • “can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
  • “OMG, you speak Klingon too?!” AU
  • “hang on a second, that’s my car you’re towing!” AU
  • “singing along to the same radio station in separate cars with the windows open” AU