


With RTX coming around the corner it’s time to bring the panel etiquette list back. This list has been compiled by several RT site and RT Tumblr fandom veterans over the years and should be strongly considered before going to a panel and/or getting in line to ask questions at the mic. I have edited it from last year, to reflect some things that should be more relevant this year.

Good questions and comments vs bad ones are really what can make or break a panel and how interesting it is to sit through. Especially for the people at home watching the livestream, or for people who waited an hour in line to sit through the panel.

Follow these simple guidelines and we will all get along and enjoy our convention panels a lot.

Dont Ask/do:

  • “Does Rooster Teeth mean cockbite?”
  • “How do I get hired at Rooster Teeth?”
  • “Will you watch my show/video?”
  • Alternatively, dont try to give them scripts or character designs for their currently running shows
  • Also do not bring resumes they have explicitly stated they will not accept any at the convention.
  • “How did Rooster Teeth start as a company?”
  • *DONT Spend 5 minutes saying thank you to them and not ask a question.*
  • *DONT ask for shoutouts because this is something you can get at the autograph line and honestly disrupts the panel*
  • *DONT bring a gift to the panel unless its a prop to your question and you can make it funny. Even then consider not doing it. Its better to bring any gifts to the gift area, as the Guardians organize and keep track of them and they are less likely to be lost.*
  • *DONT Ask about shipping unless they bring it up first*
  • *DONT quote a random AH/RVB/RWBY line without a question behind it.*
  • *DONT ask the RT staffers out. It wasnt a huge problem last year, but the year before that it happened at least 3 times that I remember so Im keeping it.*
  • *DONT Deepthroat the microphone or otherwise do unsanitary things to the equipment. I cant believe this had to make the list but its been done so here it is*
  • *DONT Ask questions that could be called Not Safe For Work in any capacity. *
  • *DONT Ask after RT staffers’ private lives*
  • If you are in the audience, dont shout memes past the first time. As an example I hear “Sharkface Ooh haha” more than one time at the RVB panel I will shark your face, you ooh-ing ha ha.  No but seriously they may ask you to leave the panel if you are disrupting it.
  • *DONT Forget to use your common sense*

Do Ask/Do:

  • Keep it to two shorter questions or one big one so they can get to everyone.
  • Ask questions about development or inspirations
  • Ask about things the people in the panel are interested in (EG ask Joel about Gold) or ask funny questions (But remember, keep it relevant to the panel).
  • Ask questions about characters and how the voice actors/writers/etc view them or what went into their creations etc.
  • Ask about older plot devices that are unclear (EG DO ask about something that was never answered, like what Wyoming was up to in season 3-5. DONT  ask when X character is coming back they’re not going to tell you, or about character semblances in RWBY that havent been revealed yet. Theyll just say “stay tuned to find out”. )
  • Have your question prepared, and have a backup in case you get stuck into the Lightning Round
  • *REMEMBER to use your common sense*

Edit; DO NOT ASK FORSHOUTOUTS. THis is the big one I forgot. Please don’t do the thing

Have to reblog this. If you are at a QnA panel, please consider this list. Getting up at a microphone isn’t time to perform or try to steal the show, so to speak.

Remember that RTX might be a vacation for you but it is work for them. They have to be “on” all weekend with minimal breaks or alone time. Respect them and their time.