
Carolina as big sister to the Reds and Blues 2k15.

-Tucker is like “I can’t wait for Junior to meet you. He’s really pumped about meeting his Aunt Carolina” “Aunt?” “Yeah. What was he supposed to call you? Agent?”

-Carolina picking Wash up, throwing him in his cot and says “sleep, I’ll have Epsilon wake you if you get nightmares. If you try working, I will be back.”

-”Get over here Grif, I’m teaching you how to fight” “What?” “Now.”

-Carolina making sure Simmons goes in for checks on his robotics equipment, “if you get rust, your gears could stop, and then I’d have to listen to Grif cry and I’m not here for that.”

-Carolina taking Donut up on his offer to paint her nails if he teaches her how to throw so well.

-Carolina getting Sarge to open up about what he did before the Sim troops and exchanging stories

-Carolina attempting to learn Spanish just so she knows what Lopez is saying.

-”Hey Frank” “Frank?” “It’s your name, isn’t it?” “Uh…yeah…just everyone calls me Doc.” “You wanna be called Doc? *Doc has an emotional moment because almost no one ever asks* 

-Caboose saying “My sisters will like you. You can be one too.” “One what?” “A sister” “Caboose…” “I have 17 they won’t mind, it’s already crowded”