all neopets paint brushes currently cost under 5mil what
Welcome to project freelancer! The leaderboard is a psychology experiment. The AIs are experimental ethical violations. The armor is an experimental deathtrap. Half the weaponry is stolen. There is only one apparatus aboard the Mother of Invention that is not dangerous, experimental, or an ethical violation and it is the vending machine.
Actually the vending machine is monitored by like, 30 AI and is probably the most illegal thing on this ship
Planning to vote for Bernie Sanders?
I just saw another enthusiastic post going around, encouraging people to vote for the man, but missing an important fact.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are both running as Democrats.
The party will use YOUR votes to decide how many Democratic Party delegates from your state go to the Democratic National Convention and vote on who represents the party in the general election (what this means varies by state; see this article for an explanation). This means that in order for you to see Bernie Sanders in the White House, you must see him beat Hillary Clinton at the DNC.
If you do not vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary, you will NOT be able to vote for him as president, because only one person will represent the Democratic Party. If you want to see Bernie Sanders in the White House, again, you cannot wait for the general election, because he will have been knocked out of the race.
a year ago if you told me i would be deeply considering supporting an old white guy in the 2016 presidential election i wouldn’t have believed you
and yet here we are
ok so what if Harry and Neville got into like this passive-aggressive lie-off regarding what a truly great man Severus Snape was like they got drunk and Harry was like ‘Snape though’ and Neville was like ‘I know right’ and Harry was like ‘what a… what a fantastic bastard. What a guy.’ and Neville was like ‘we should fuckin’ get him like, like… let’s have a funeral. A huge fucking fuck-off sized funeral with like, lilies, and, a marble coffin, and a big statue, an’ crying women, an’ all that shit’ and Harry got whiskey up his nose laughing so hard and he falls off his stool and just wheezes ‘lillies’
and then during the funeral Neville and Harry like spend the whole time trying to give a better eulogy like they keep getting back up after each other are done to try and have another go at it but then they get schooled by Hermione being like ‘for fuck’s sake boys this is how it’s done’ and she goes up to the podium and just bursts into wild banshee hysterics and throws herself across the glistening marble casket, sobbing ‘oh, it should have been me, would to god that it were me, you stallion of a professor’ and all the reporters tear up a little and then go home to pen really fervid biopics on this bleakly noble and tragically overlooked hero of the revolution
anyway like eighteen years later Harry names his kid after Severus and sends an owl off to Neville like ‘your move, mate’ and Nevill pauses in the middle of polishing the giant marble statue of Snape tenderly cuddling an armfull of adoring woodland creatures that dominates like 2/3 of his office to cuss a lot and pour himself another drink
Kill the myth that Mexicans and Blacks cause the most rape in the USA
I’ve been pretty mad the last couple of days. From Donald Trump saying that all Mexicans are rapists and criminals (except that few “good ones”) to that white terrorist saying that blacks are rapists that are taking over this country.
I’ve done some digging and apparently white men are more likely to rape and cause sexual assault in this country. Not Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, etc. but White men. And its hardly a contest about 65% of rapists in 2012 were white. Yea just let that sink in.
Here are some Sources:
Like seriously, this country is founded on the white man’s obsession with conquest, which largely consisted of the plundering and rape of both slaves and natives and you wanna tell me the privilege of getting away with it then doesn’t carry over now?
not to undermine the fact that white men suck but this makes perfect sense considering some 62% of americans are white
could we talk about the incredibly high chance of natives getting raped because thats fucked up. also black people are slightly likelier than white people (this is all america centric i think)
Percentage of Dad in each Achievement Hunter
Geoff: 90%
Jack: 95%
Micheal: 40%
Lindsay: 70%
Ryan: 200%
Gavin: -130%
Who do you cuddle
Tucker: he’s probably super small, definantly do Cuddle Tucker.
Caboose: You should definantly cuddle Caboose he deserves it and would also be an awesome cuddler.
Church/ Alpha: do not cuddle Church. Cuddle him once and be keeps asking for piggyback rides. Also hes a robot so he weighs like 500 tons
Epsilon: “Hologram dude”
Carolina: she really needs it but if you’re not York I wouldn’t try.
Flowers: I mean that’s really up to you he’d probably make you call him Daddy.
Sarge: Do not cuddle Sarge unless you are a shotgun.
Grif: like, go for it but he smells bad.
Simmons: go ahead, give him a hug and tell him everything with be alright.
Donut: very soft. Smells nice, cuddle Donut
Doc: do not cuddle doc. He will never let you up again.
Sharkface: boy needs a hug. Give him one, but his eye is funny looking.
Felix: I would cuddle him, I would do it all day. You might not wanna cuddle him. He’ll stab you in the back.
Locus: do it. He actually really likes cuddling.
Washington: Boy has boney ass elbows.
Lopez: hes a robot.