contrary to popular belief, rome was actually built in a day. new information from our hidden sources confirm “caesar like totally went ham on those bricks, he fucking built so much shit it was amazing”
A friendly reminder that you get cravings before your period because your BMR (the amount of calories you burn per day) increases. Don’t hate yourself for craving food, it’s your body telling you it needs more because its about to reconstruct the lining of an organ.
hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!
Gonna also add a link to this youtube series for Muslims : ) if you go on their website you can find other sources too and the imam in these videos goes through Qu’ranic scripture as well