

it really does become apparent how american-centric the internet is when the legalisation of same-sex marriage in the us is treated as some kind of global event while battles won for the lbgt+ communities in other countries can go by often completely unacknowledged (or at least acknowledged to a much lesser degree)

for example, as of today it is no longer illegal to be gay in Mozambique. and i’d say that that’s something



If anyone in California is interested in adopting a dog or a cat, Kerns County Animal Shelter ( one of the most disgraceful shelters in California ) is being shut down. Dogs are being sold for 15$ and cats for 5$ ( all are fixed with shots. )

Every animal will be put down by September 30th.

Go here for more information. 

hi guys this post was made in 2013! please reblog this so people know the animals are not currently at the shelter, because its already closed down