A PSA to all Paint Tool SAI users about Windows 10




It seems Paint Tool SAI does not like Windows 10 at all, because when I tested it on the beta version of Win10, it wouldn’t run at all. If you use SAI as your main drawing program and wish to continue using it, then I strongly suggest you avoid upgrading to Windows 10 until somebody finds a way to get it to work on there. It’ll be a real bummer to see anybody having to struggle with the loss of SAI because of a Windows upgrade that it’ll refuse to work on.

cryoganix people need your help! I have SAI and upgraded to Windows 10; they both work fine now after some tweaking. So there is a way, you just have to be tech savvy.

Right click on the SAI program itself, then click on Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab, then check the “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” checkbox and select “Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)”. After that, it’ll run fine.

I’ve tested this on every Windows 10 box with SAI on it that I could find, with 100% success. If it doesn’t, just click on the “ Run compatibility troubleshooter” button at the top of the Compatibility tab, and that’ll get it working.

I’ve been beta testing Windows 10 for a while as well; the only advice I can give is to consult a technical professional before spreading potential misinformation around.

You can fix this very easily. Windows 10 is completely safe for SAI and Krita.