
Today is August 2nd.
Today is Romani Holocaust Remembrance day.
Today, in 1944, the Gypsy camp at Auschwitz was liquidated. 
Today marks 71 years since brave Roma and Sinti lost their fight against the Nazi’s Final Solution.
Today marks 71 years without reparations or even acknowledgement of a Romani genocide during the Holocaust.
Today marks 71 years of continued state-sanctioned oppression and brutality. 
Today, there is still Romani genocide. 
Today, we still lose our brothers, fathers, and children to police and Neo-Nazi violence.
Today, we continue to be exploited for our labor and forced into slavery.
Today, we still live in ghettos and camps.
Today is August 2, 2015. 
Today, our stones have become words and books and education.
And today, we will not stop fighting.