


so i was in front of Van Gogh’s Starry Night at the moma yesterday and this girl in front of me took a picture with the flash on (WHICH YOU DONT DO!!! EVER!!! BECAUSE FLASH IS TERRIBLE FOR PAINTINGS!!!! THERE WERE SIGNS EVERYWHERE SAYING NOT TO USE IT!!!!) 

so i said “hey, dont use flash” 

AND THIS MOLDY ASSBABY turns around, gives me the dirtiest look, takes ANOTHER photo WITH HER FLASH ON and fucking!!!! walks!!!! away!!!!!! and ive never come so close to beating the ever living shit out of someone before in my life.

Starry NIght is one of the most important, beloved works of art IN THE WORLD and youre such a entitled piece of shit that you risk damaging it just to get a fucking photo??????? and you know what? it doesnt even matter that it was starry night, ANY piece of art deserves to be shown safetly. just because an artist isnt famous doesnt mean you get to put their work in jeopardy. art is so fucking imporant to our histories and cultures, to our very humanity, and it makes me furious when people dont respect it. 

this has been a psa from an angry art history student thank you and remember to turn off your flash 

how it damages the painting is what I will now explain since OP just went on a rant but didn’t explain why it’s bad for paintings. Older paintings especially but also newer ones. Have you ever wandered why museum lighting is filtered into a dull yellow? Why it seems to be so dark but you don’t really pay it any mind until you step outside and you are instantly blinded by the sun?

Sunlight, full spectrum, will FADE paintings, and can even cause chemical reactions in some that cause flaking, particularly those that have been restored with certain compounds. YOU ARE LITERALLY ERASING THE ARTWORK WITH EACH FLASH.

White spectrum light is bad, blue spectrum is WORSE. light filtered through yellow filters seems to do less damage and that is why they ask you not to use flash. There are cameras now with settings for museums that disables the flash and still manage to pick out the artwork. For artists the world over, this is a huge chunk of history that can not be recreated once it is gone. Please. Respect the rules in a museum.

hi OP here, thank you for explaining!  I honestly didn’t realize so many people didn’t know how harmful it is, so originally my post was just because i was angry people were being willfully harmful. But i realize now that a lot of people don’t know, so educating is the key!!