-the reds have cannonly seen Donut in booty shorts
–Tucker has cannonly (technically in epsilon) masturbated to Donut
-Tucker and grif have seen Donut naked
-Grif has ocd
-Tucker gave church piggy back rides
-Donut lost part of his hand (which hand is unknown)
-Both Caboose and Donut are feminist
-Simmons is ambidextrous.
-Locus is bilingual
-Caboose is a murderer and one of the most complex characters
-Lopez understands english
-Sarge has a crush on Lopez
be free to add on
(Edit: Added a few things and re-changed Grif’s ocd)
-they abandoned the real church.
Not really a funny thing but ITS RELEVANT
How dare you remind me of that S C R E AM