okay i officially need to know what the heck happened with uk politics yesterday. someone fucked a pig?? what???


YUP so okay a guy called lord ashcroft has written an unauthorised biography of our (scumbag) prime minister, david cameron.

we know that when he was a student cameron was a member of a group at oxford uni called the bullingdon club, which is basically a group of rich tosspots fucking with people because they’re rich tosspots. one of their induction rituals involves burning a £50 note in front of a homeless person. that’s the kind of people they are.


this is them in cameron’s day (he’s second from the left standing up). see what i mean about tosspots? i tell you this to give you an idea of what our illustrious prime minister got up to in his student days.

this book alleges–and i for one am inclined to believe, because there is literally nothing i would not believe about that man–that cameron was also a member of a more secret drinking club, called the piers gaveston society, named for the lover of king edward ii. 

according to the book, one of the induction rituals for the piers gaveston society that cameron participated in was putting his junk in the mouth of a dead pig. as of yet number 10 (the office of the prime minister) has released no statement as to the veracity of the allegation. that’s a really long time not to address something like this in westminster politics. a reeeally long time.

obviously everyone’s widdling themselves laughing over this because it is FUCKING HILARIOUS. many people are pointing to an old episode of british tv show black mirror in which the (fictional) prime minister fucked a pig as some kind of terrible, terrible prophecy. 

for fairly obvious reasons, this photo of cameron has resurfaced and is doing the rounds.


along with this infamous photo of former leader of the opposition ed miliband trying to eat a bacon sandwich


truly, today is a great day for the british people.