So my dad gambles quite a bit


And he’s pretty good at it, so he’s a diamond-level guest at all the harrahs casinos, meaning they always comp his room and meals. My mom has a second job with her friend’s modeling company, and they were working a banquet in Vegas. My moms main job is as a flight attendant though, so we fly free. So my dad just took off to Vegas the night of my moms job, and when they were done, he took her and all her model friends (7 of them) to a fancy-ass restaurant. He’s friends with one of the waiters there just from visiting so often, but they don’t know much about my dads life/job/whatever. So when my dad shows up with a bunch of models, the waiter comes up and he’s like “ok dude spill. what do you do? what’s your job?” And my dads like “it’s a mystery” because he’s a mailman







my favourite thing is probably the scientific name of the Grizzly bear. 

It’s Ursus arctos horribilis. “ursus” meaning bear in Latin and “arctos”, bear in Greek.

so essentially a grizzly is a “horrible bear bear.” 



The Eurasian Brown Bear is Ursus arctos arctos

So literally “Bear Bear Bear”. The most bear a bear can be. 

So bear. Much roar. Wow.

Also! The Arctic Circle is named for the bears, not the other way ‘round. It’s the Circle With Bears In, and the Antarctic is the Circle (and continent) Away From Bears.

Are you telling us that the poles of our world are Bear Continent and Anti-Bear Continent