





Why do people make draco so promiscuous in fan fics? He literally only had one girlfriend throughout the entire series (and only one eye fucking partner [Harry]). Plus he grew up in a traditional home that probably didnt allow sex before marriage

Why do people do the same for Lucius too? Like seriously, nearly every fic I read he’s made into a sex god who lost his virginity at 13 (???????) 

THANK YOU. Like, one of the Slytherin values is traditionalism so why?? do?? people?? think?? they’re?? sex?? gods?? and?? goddesses?? like?? they?? probably?? wait?? for?? marriage?? 

the thing that boggles my mind is that Harry’s always depicted as a blushing virgin in the face of Draco’s ~prowess~ when, as we all know, Draco is a giant nerd who wouldn’t know what suave is if it bit him in the ass. when you think about it, Harry is probably the one more likely to fluster Draco because he’s a sassy little shit who I have no doubt will waggle his eyebrows at Draco from across the room and whisper dirty pick up lines in his ear at public events just to rile him up.

okay I had to reblog this again because suave!sassy!flirty!confident!Harry is what I live for and why don’t people realize this makes more sense for their characterizations 

like Harry could’ve been in Slytherin so we know he’s sly and all that, but he was put in Gryffindor, which makes him more impulsive/daring. This means there’s a 103% chance that Harry James Potter was a shameless flirt, when it came to Draco

I refuse to believe that the Hogwarts King of Sass was a bumbling, blushing, clumsy, mumbling virgin. 

Well this changes everything