
kids are fucking fragile, ok? when you have no life experience you have nothing to compare your troubles to and many things ARE, in fact, the worst thing to ever happen to you.

i’m 20. and i had a rough week this week. and one of the reasons it wasn’t as rough as it could have been is because i have had worse. i have been in more pain than this before and it was really helpful to be able to say to myself, yes, ok, i’m feeling like a massive pile of shit right now, but i remember how i felt when thing x happened y years ago and that was objectively more horrible and if i got through that then i’m going to survive this.

when i was 16 i couldn’t do that because thing x was in fact the worst thing to ever happen to me. because when you haven’t lived very long some of the things that happen WILL be the worst things to ever happen to you and you’re fucking allowed to be angry and upset and so on. there is no age you have to reach before you’re allowed to feel bad. i can’t believe this discourse tbh.

kids are fragile and they’re dismissed all the time for having feelings because shitty ass adults are so selfish that they can’t wrap their minds around the idea that MAYBE their feelings aren’t more important than a child’s. seriously fuck off maybe if someone had taken me seriously as a kid i’d be a functional adult