Remember when Marvel’s Daredevil came out and there were all these posts warning that it was much more adult themed than other Marvel media before it? There needs to be the same sort of warning for Marvel’s Jessica Jones.
So here are some things (without giving too much away about plot) to look out for:
- Firstly, there’s a huge rape trigger warning. The entire show is about Jessica overcoming the trauma of her rape and defeating her rapist. So it’s not like you can close your eyes for 15 minutes during a single episode. Every episode is about it, so if you are very triggered by the discussion of rape or seeing someone suffer PTSD then this show is absolutely not for you. I do want to add that even though this show is about Jessica facing her rapist, similar to the style of Mad Mad: Fury Road we never see the actual act of rape. It is talked about deeply, and we see the emotional and psychological effects of the rape in not only Jessica, but other characters who experience Kilgrave. But you never have to see Kilgrave have sex with anyone.
- And much like Daredevil, Jessica Jones shows lots of blood and gore. In my opinion, no violence in JJ was worse than Fisk smashing the car door on the Russian brother in DD, but they do show things like severed limbs and people trying to shove arms down sink garbage disposals.
- Because of the nature of Kilgrave’s powers, there is a lot of suicide or attempted suicide.
- There are scenes of child abuse and forced bulimia.
- Jessica Jones is the first MCU show or movie to show heavy and explicit sex. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. only has post-sex scenes of people falling into bed, but never showed the actual act. But ironically enough, for all the sex there is no nudity.
^ Signal boosting these trigger warnings