papyrus: lots of positivity which actually touches his followers because he’s so genuine. he also posts many pictures of his spaghetti and constantly gets anonymous puns (from sans)
sans: he only has two posts but they each have 100k+ notes and they’re the worst punniest shitposts to ever exist on tumblr
undyne: a prized member of lesbian tumblr. she protects lesbian minors with her life. she reblogs all of the lesbian jokes and argues with people on tumblr all the time. also blogs about alphys all the time and posts countless selfies of them together and claims they’re the cutest couple of lesbian tumblr
mettaton: fashion blog, shares all of napstablook’s music, flirts with all of the lovesick fans who send him asks, and reblogs alphys’s anime meta in the dead of night and tags it in the morning with “my tumblr was hacked”
alphys: anime meta, graphics, gifs, music, and fanart. her meta gets thousands of notes (because of mettaton) and she lays down the law when assclowns argue with her. she’s at her most confident when she constructs complex arguments
frisk: all memes, all the time. they also have a sideblog a la fruitsoftheape100 which has over 10k followers
toriel: shitpost extraordinaire who adds puns to innocuous posts which is the reason why the op has so many notes that most tumblr users tag with #i hate this and #delete this and #i hate tumblr. she also vagues about asgore all the time because he reblogs all of her posts
asgore: aesthetic flower blog. he posts angst posts in the dead of night. he also makes gardening tips posts which a small circle of tumblr is extremely devoted to