Minimalistic Cartoons Reveal Differences Between Tourists and Travelers
Wow, didn’t know you became a tourist the second you checked into a room or that you had to be culturally appropriative to be a traveller. Also, I’m pretty sure the minimalist traveler doesn’t have a flashlight the size of their arm? And a lot of backpackers just use smartphones as cameras? Seriously, this is as bad as those present generation/previous generation cartoons.
The tourist’s strong arms can hold up a full camera setup on a selfie stick. The weary traveler, weak from traveling (rather than touring), has to set the camera up on a tripod.
The tourist gets a room at a hotel. The traveler sets up a tent in Tompkins Square Park.
The tourist brings home a t-shirt to commemorate the vacation. The traveler brings home assorted tea bags from New York’s exotic Key Foods.
The tourist drunkenly steals one sign. The traveler drunkenly steals five signs.
The tourist has four friends. The traveler has no friends and a terrible rash.
The tourist thinks about the comfortable bed back at the hotel. The traveler thinks about the mission to bring the ring to Mordor.
The tourist takes a car from the airport. The traveler approves of motorcycles.
The tourist packs a sensible amount of gear. The traveler packs one t-shirt and some unwrapped Oreos. Both forget pants.
Can’t graphic designers find something better to do with their time than this next-level pretentious bullshit?