I’m so fucking tired to seeing “gluten-free” lumped in with anti-vax, morally superior assholes.
Are there people who go gluten free in some ill-advised attempt to lose weight? Yes. But the literal only treatment for my disease is not a punchline. It’s not some shorthand for overzealous white suburban soccer moms.
These jokes make it more likely servers in restaurants will take my health needs less seriously. I see you when you roll your eyes in disbelief over my food requirements, but your disdain won’t stop my intestines from shredding themselves if you disregard my needs.
Stop using gluten free when you mean patronizing, overbearing, smug, sanctimonious, or whiny. Stop using it as a shorthand for high maintenance and demanding.
Making fun of people’s dietary needs isn’t edgy, it’s gross, and I’m reallllllly tired of seeing it so often from people who claim to be fighting for a more inclusive world.
Good lord. Every time I go out to eat with my family, we brace ourselves for the eye-roll from the wait staff when we ask for gluten free.
Gluten free is a joke until some smug waiter doesn’t realize celiac is an actual thing and almost kills you.