I really wanna know if this is true.
It is. Beethoven was black as well. They referred to us as moores back then. They paint greatness white so we can be casted out of history as how great we truly are.
It’s a damn shame that they try to take stuff from us and paint black great people as white.
Okay I’m gonna admit that I didn’t believe any of you at first, but I just google searched this shit and I’m just amazed. How is it possible for the history books to forget to mention that Mozart and Beethoven were Moors (however some sources say they were “mulattos” which is another term for a person of black and white ancestry)?
If this is for real my head just exploded
Well the Africans did invent classical music ,so..
What didn’t Black people invent tbh
Yo I also want it mentioned, because it’s really fucking important, that Beethoven especially actually requested and demanded to be painted white. He knew exactly what it meant to have darker skin and CHOSE TO BE PORTRAYED OTHERWISE. That is sad as hell and I don’t want it forgotten or buried
JA Rogers’ 100 Amazing Facts about the Negro is a good book full of ‘say what?’ facts in American/world history that are buried or consistently glossed over. I’m on my third copy, because everyone I loan it to keeps it.