







Why Did You Capitalize The Word ‘Cabbage’ But Not The Word ‘France’ : an adventure in reading fanfiction

coming soon, the thrilling sequel: ‘You’ve Gone Through Three Different Tenses In The Space Of One Paragraph And I Think You Just Invented A Whole New One All Of Your Own’

and the long anticipated conclusion to the trilogy: ‘I Have No Idea Who Is Supposed To Be Speaking Right Now’

Don’t forget the essential supplemental texts, That Does Not Physically Work and Anything Is Lube.

Decorated by the thrilling prequel series How Many Ways Can You Describe A Person Using Epithets And Not Their Name, featuring You’re Somehow Convinced That Three Paragraphs of Clothing Detail is Important and Thrilling, and I Have Never Beheld Something So Out Of Character In My Life 

Please don’t forget the charming brochure The Most Intimidatingly Huge Paragraphs Of Our Times. There is also the sister novella Multiple Characters Speaking In The Same Paragraph, and the loosely-connected-but-not-strictly-necessary side series Forgoing Punctuation: Misadventures With Enigmatic Run-On Sentences

That Doesn’t Exist in this Universe and You’re Not Writing an AU: A Leaflet on Anachronisms.  

Why Did You Choose the Second Person Over Literally Anything Else, a primer on POV.

Weirdly Specific Fetishes And You: An Introductory Guide to Oversharing With Your Readers. 

And today’s specials: The Spontaneous Third Hand: An Anatomical Text, Tab A Slot B: The Flatpack Kama Sutra by IKEA, and Luminous Orbs, The Interior Decorator’s Guide to Colour.